Author Archives: waleed alzoukari

Self Assessment Essay

Waleed Alzoukari                                                                                             12/16/22


                                             Self assessment essay

As a writer, I have learned that paying attention to the small details is extremely important in order to produce high-quality work. At first, I tended to focus more on the overall structure and content of my writing, but I quickly realized that this was not enough. By paying more attention to the small details, such as grammar, punctuation, and word choice, I have been able to significantly improve the clarity and effectiveness of my writing.  One way I have developed as a writer by paying attention to the small details is by becoming much more aware of my audience. By considering the needs and expectations of my readers, I am able to choose language and formatting that is most appropriate for them. This has allowed me to communicate my ideas much more effectively and engage my readers on a deeper level.Another way I have developed as a writer by paying attention to the small details is by becoming much more aware of my own writing habits and weaknesses. By carefully reviewing my work and seeking feedback from others, I have been able to identify areas where I can improve and make changes to my writing process. This has helped me become a much more efficient and effective writer, and has allowed me to produce work that is of a significantly higher quality overall.  But it’s not just about making my writing better for other people – it’s also about making it better for myself. When I pay attention to the small details, I feel more confident in my writing and I’m able to convey my ideas more clearly. It can be easy to overlook the little things, but they really do make a big difference.My evidence to show how I have developed can be seen in my work, I have sent Phase 2 and 3 with this and I believe if someone takes a close look they’ll find some development in my writing.  In conclusion, paying attention to the small details in my writing has been an essential part of my development as a writer. By considering my audience, evaluating my own work, and making necessary changes, I have been able to produce writing that is much clearer, more effective, and more engaging. I have learned that these small details can make a big difference in the overall quality of my work, and I now make it a priority to pay attention to them in every topic I write about. It requires a lot of effort and attention to detail, but the end result is well worth it.

Third Phase

Waleed Alzoukari                                                                                                  12/12/22

Engl 11000                                                                                                             Phase 3

                                             The Truth about Leaks

Cover Letter:    When you’re in an argument, it’s really important to bring evidence to back up your side. Without evidence, your argument might not be as convincing to others. Evidence can be lots of different things, like data, stats, research, or personal experiences.  When you’re presenting evidence, it’s important to be clear and concise. You want to give enough information to support your argument, but not so much that it’s overwhelming or hard to follow. It’s also important to think about the relevance and credibility of your evidence. Evidence that’s relevant to your argument and comes from a credible source is more likely to be convincing.  Along with presenting evidence, it’s also important to explain your side of the argument clearly and logically. This means making sure your argument is well-structured and easy to follow. You should present your main points in a logical order, and give explanations and examples to support each point.  In the end, it’s crucial to bring evidence and explain your side of the argument well if you want to make a convincing argument. By presenting evidence and explaining your points clearly and logically, you can make your argument stronger and increase the chances that others will agree with you.       

         Music leaks can be a major problem for artists and the music industry. When music is leaked, it is often released to the public before the artist or their record label intended, which can be very frustrating and damaging for the artist. It can mess up their plans for promoting their music, lead to a loss of potential sales, and damage their reputation and relationship with their record label. In some cases, it can even result in legal action being taken against the person responsible for the leak.Music leaks can also be harmful to the overall music industry. They can undermine the efforts of artists and record labels to carefully plan and execute the release of new music. This can lead to a decrease in the quality and diversity of music available to the public, as well as a loss of revenue for the industry. Music leaks can have long-lasting negative effects on the careers of individual artists, as well as on the music industry as a whole.Additionally, music leaks can be detrimental to the creative process of artists. When their music is released without their consent, they lose control over how it is presented to the public. This can be frustrating for artists who put a lot of time and effort into crafting their music, and it can also prevent them from being able to tell the full story behind their work. Music leaks can also lead to a lack of trust between artists and their record labels, which can hinder the development of their careers.Everyone knows the amount of damage music leaks can cause at the end of the day and it destroys any excitement we have because we probably heard the song before the artist even dropped it.We can all agree that at the end of the day music leaks ruin everything long term.

     In this article “” shows how leaks can ruin things really bad because a artist can work for months to produce a good song but it all can be ruined in matter of seconds because a kid online decided to leak it.Additionaly, this article    “” also talks about the same problem so you can tell that leaks are a big problem which no one likes because they take out all the fun from waiting for a album drop.This is from a trusted source “” which also gives a quick explanation of music leaks and shows the affects of it.In this article a actual song writer talks about how he feels about music leaks “”.All in all everyone thinks music leaks are bad and they are.

            In conclusion, music leaks can be a big problem for artists and the music industry. When music is leaked, it’s often released to the public before the artist or their record label intended, which can be really frustrating and damaging for the artist. It can mess up their plans for promoting their music, lead to a loss of potential sales, and damage their reputation and relationship with their record label. In some cases, it can even result in legal action against the person responsible for the leak. Music leaks can also be harmful to the overall music industry. They can undermine the efforts of artists and record labels to carefully plan and execute the release of new music. This can lead to a decrease in the quality and diversity of music available to the public, as well as a loss of revenue for the industry. Music leaks can have long-lasting negative effects on the careers of individual artists, as well as on the music industry as a whole. Additionally, music leaks can be detrimental to the creative process of artists. When their music is released without their consent, they lose control over how it is presented to the public. This can be frustrating for artists who put a lot of time and effort into crafting their music, and it can also prevent them from being able to tell the full story behind their work. Music leaks can also lead to a lack of trust between artists and their record labels, which can hinder the development of their careers.To prevent music leaks and mitigate their negative effects, it’s important for artists and record labels to work together to carefully plan the release of new music and to take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to their work. By taking these steps, they can help to safeguard the creative process and ensure that the release of new music is done on their own terms.

Second Phase

Waleed Alzoukari                                                                                                           12/3/22

English 11000

                                                                   Phase 2

Cover letter:

In this phase 2 I have learned a lot of new things which will benefit me a lot in the future.One of the things I learned was that when you listen to a song you don’t just focus on how it makes you feel, you focus on many things that went into that song.Artist put a lot of things into there songs that get passed by the listener because they are not fully listening to the song and that’s something I learned during this phase.Furthermore, I learned that next time I listen to a song I should look at it in many different ways and try to understand what the artist is trying to deliver to us and try to find any message that was attempted to be spoken through the song.I also learned that different songs work better with different ages because as people grow they change and began to like different things and end up may not like things they used to love back then.I feel like when it comes to music people don’t appreciate it enough because people just skips through a lot of important things that can mean a lot, if people actually listen they can take away a lot of things from the song

Part one:

The first song I picked is PassionFruit by Drake. It’s a song that creates a calm mood so a person can relax.The song gives a vibe of a person that’s on a beach because for some reason it gives me a tropical feeling and it makes you wine down for a calm night.The Lyrical/poetic strategy I found is that Drake created a really good mood which makes you relax and wine down for the day,The reason why I picked Mood is because the song creates a mood that is really relaxing and gives the feeling of you on vacation.The main part of the song is the beat and also the tone of the artist mixes well with the beat which creates a beautiful song.Usually the mood that the song creates at the start determines the whole song because people will determine if they like it or not from the start and I feel like the artist set a good mood from the start.What I found interesting was that the way the beat made me get in a relaxed mood from the start without even getting to hear the lyrics,Drake was trying to set a relaxing mood something you’d listen to after work and I feel like it worked really well.The intended audience is mostly middle aged people because the paste of the song is slow which appeals to that age group.Usually middle aged people like slower type music unlike the young people which like rap which is fast paste and that worked well because the song is slower paste which applied to them.

The second song I picked is Better By: Khalid, this song is more of a romantic song it fits great for a date night.This song is great for a date because it talks more about love and its well known and it sets a good mood for both parties.The Lyrical/poetic strategy I found is Euphony because the tone of the song is very pleasant to the ear its relaxing and calming,the beat of the song is also smooth which is pleasant.I picked Euphony for this song because this song is different from most the songs of this era, the songs of this era are always loud and fast paced but this song is the opposite its slow and very smooth.The tone of the artist is very calm which is why it fit with Euphony so well, This is a great artist because he makes a lot of these type of songs.With this song the artist was trying to make it a date song because its romantic, the age group I would assume is middle aged also because it fits their age range.This song is the type you drink wine to which middle aged people do.I think The artist accomplished his goal well because it did its job and went viral.I think if someone hasn’t given this song a listen they should do that because I think it’ll be a great use of time and it would be something new to experience.

My third song is Midnight City By:M83,This song is more of a chill song that you would listen to when you want to relax.This song came out a couple of years ago but is relevant till today because of its unique sound.For this sound I also picked Euphony because like the last song it has a really good beat which seats a calm mood throughout the whole song,as one goes and continues to listen to the song you hear the artist finally sing which mixes well with the beat of the song.I feel like Euphony was a good pick because it explains the song really well, the song is mostly a beat which is really calming to the ear.The artist plan was to create a calm song everyone can listen to and have a good time and release some stress, the artist age range was probably in the 20-30 because its a middle aged song.This song is also a really good song to take a good listen to because it’s something unique.

Part 2:

            All these songs I just choose connect in a strong way because the mood they set always create a emotional reaction in the mind.These songs are more directed towards the older generation because the younger generation only wants the type of songs that would make them go crazy during parties.The songs I selected create a calm and relaxed mood, when adults have a stressed day these are the type of songs that would make you wine down, these songs fit great because they have the same paste and tone and the beat sounds calm.

      In my opinion I feel like It would be a great start to start off With passion fruit by: Drake if you were to put them in order because it starts off everything right by seating a tropical mood which will get you all relaxed, the reason I said tropical mood because when you listen to the beat closely it gives a feeling like you on a beach which is a indescribable feeling.I feel like the song was especially made for that reason which is to relax and enjoy the rest of the day watching the sunset.

    The second song that I feel like would fit great after Passion Fruit it would be MidNight City by:M83 because after you are relaxed from the first song this would come in and make you clear your mind because the beat of this song is so unique and something new which will make you focus on it and make forget whatever was bothering you throughout your day because all your attention is going towards the song.I feel like not many know of this artist so it would be something great to explore something new here and there.

    Last but not least a song that I feel like would end of the night in a great way would be Better by:Khalid because after your mind is cleared from the last song you want something that would end off the day right and I feel like it’s a great song because the tone of the song would give you the feeling to go to sleep because it’s the slower one of the three I picked so it’s a great fit to be the last one.This song is more known so people know its a good pick so whoever would be listening to this would be happy to end off the day with this masterpiece.

Part 3:

   I wasn’t able to make it to class during the peer review we did for the mixtapes so I got help from my siblings on that part, two of my siblings helped me with this part.My first sibling I made him listen to the songs in the order I put it above on and got his opinion after each one so I can see what feeling he got.for the first one it was Passion fruit by:Drake and his response was that it gave him a feeling like he was in nature and that it calmed him down so it was close to the feeling it gave me..The second song he listened to was Midnight City by:M83 and this song he actually liked he said it’s something he would would listen to before he goes to sleep because the beat is great to clear up the mind basically which I agree to.The third song was Better by: Khalid he was telling me that he didn’t like it but it’s something he would play in the car on a highway ride but it’s not really his taste which didn’t surprise me because he’s more Into hip hop rather then some calm music.All in all for my brother I wasn’t expecting him to like any of them because he’s more into hip hop but he ended up liking the one by drake the most.The second person that helped me was my sister and I did something different with her which was I made her listen to all of them and got what she felt about them as a track list together.after she listened to all the songs in order she was saying that this would be a great track list for someone who’s trying to take it easy for the day, she was definitely a fan because she on the older side unlike my brother Which is still young.Before I let my sister listen to the track list I was already expecting her to like it so it wasn’t no surprise.At the end of this test nothing really surprised me because everything I expected out of them came true because I have been around them a lot so I already know there personalities.

Cover letter:

In this phase 2 I have learned a lot of new things which will benefit me a lot in the future.One of the things I learned was that when you listen to a song you don’t just focus on how it makes you feel, you focus on many things that went into that song.Artist put a lot of things into there songs that get passed by the listener because they are not fully listening to the song and that’s something I learned during this phase.Furthermore, I learned that next time I listen to a song I should look at it in many different ways and try to understand what the artist is trying to deliver to us and try to find any message that was attempted to be spoken through the song.I also learned that different songs work better with different ages because as people grow they change and began to like different things and end up may not like things they used to love back then.I feel like when it comes to music people don’t appreciate it enough because people just skips through a lot of important things that can mean a lot, if people actually listen they can take away a lot of things from the song.

First Phase

Waleed Alzoukari                                                                                    9/14/2022 ENGL 11000  

                                                          Cover Letter

              Throughout this phase I learned that we need to look at things in many different ways because when we do so we can find many little details to a topic or song.A quick example I have is that when people listen to music they just listen to the sound of the beat and how it makes them feel but skip fast the lyrics which can tell a lot.In this assignment I went tinto as much detail as possible to make the scene almost stand out and can visualize it.I also learned that the time of when  the music came out also has to do a big part because it can influence the artist for example african americans back then were talking about how unfairly they were being treated in there time which shows how that influenced the whole song because of what they were going through.Furthermore, sometimes you have to listen to a song multiple times because in the first time you might miss a couple of things that deliver a strong message.Additionally, in my assignment I tried to be clear as possible to not cause any confusion, My audience is mostly college students so they might not take the time to read it again which made me make it as clear as possible.Many times the artist will try to deliver a lot of messages about many situations that’s why listening to lyrics are important and also shows that listening to the music again is important.

                                  Written Literacy Narrative “Bara”

      In my home country (yemen) there’s a traditional drum music called Bara which is performed with a dance that was named after it.This dance has been in our culture for a very long time. Bara is the most popular in Yemen because it is hard to perfect, you use the traditional knife called Gambieh to dance with it and it’s also used for decoration that compliments your outfit.I have attached a video of the dance and pictures of the outfit they wear during the special events.I picked this drum music because growing up I used to hear this music in every big event and people will always do the dance that comes with it.When I was a kid back in my home country my cousin was getting married and the day before his wedding day all of the kids in the family including me were brought together to learn the dance because they wanted us to do it during the party but we were not allowed to use the knives because we were still kids, we spent the whole day learning the dance but weren’t able to because we weren’t taking it serious.During the party they set up a really big tent that is the size of a whole street because in yemen there’s no real venue so they had to create a temporary one, inside the venue was a lot of arabic style sofas which I also attached a picture of.The venue had really big light stands on the corners to brighten the place up which if you were too close you would be blinded,it had a lot of decorations which made the whole space look amazing and it had empty space in the middle so the people can dance.During the wedding day it was a Huge party and everyone from family members to friends came to the same place, the whole venue became full of people and the party was started.During the middle of the party the song “Bara” came on and the older people got up and began to dance to it,everyone was watching because they were all dancing at the same paste and made no mistakes.Then we finished off the party with some other dances and the night was concluded.I wanted to shed some light on this song today because I have a lot of stories when it comes to this song and the one I just told is one of them.This drum music doesn’t have a known creator because its soo old but you find a lot of modern arabic singers using the drum sound of the dance to creat songs.This drum music is played in literally every ceremony or big event,This music is played almost all around the world which many people enjoy.This was special to me because I have seen it many times and and I basically grew up with that drum music.This music kind of made me who I am today and I the reason I say kind of its because its not influential enough for it to shape my whole life bit it did in a music way which is a little part.This drum music recently started to become a trend in the newer songs which many artist say it was influenced by Bara drum music.This shows how it has influenced many and I am certain it will influence many more in the near future.

The Traditional dance video:

Traditional Arabic Sofias:

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